We Believe
• We believe that there is one true, living and eternal God, who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• We believe that The Bible is the true and accurate Word of God, inspired and revealed by the Holy Spirit.
• We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully human and fully divine, who died for our sins as an atoning sacrifice and broke the hold of death through His bodily resurrection. We expect Jesus to return in power and great glory to judge the living and the dead and raise those who trust in Him as Lord to be with Him forever.
• We believe that mankind is separated from God by our sinful nature. By believing in Jesus as Lord, turning away from sins to God, publicly displaying this through baptism in water and receiving the Holy Spirit, we become new creations.
• We believe that God alone is worthy to be praised and worshipped in spirit and in truth. We believe that the Holy Spirit leads and enables us in worship and service.
• We believe in the fruit, gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit.
• We believe that the Church is the universal body of those united with Jesus Christ. We are members together of that body and sharers together in the promise, called to obey His word and to love one another.
• We believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.
• We believe that the act of Communion (bread and wine) is shared in recognition of the body of Christ, and as a reminder of Christ’s death until he comes again.
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance and believe in the traditional creeds of the church.